Dressing up is for suckers

Automation In Recruiting??

Yes, dear readers. Even I, Bot Slayer of Recruiting, believes in automation done right.

Automation can be such a time saver when implemented correctly. Repetitive tasks like note taking, or scheduling can be automated (or at least made easier) with technology. Where I’ve personally seen the biggest impact is through SOURCING.

Shout out to my friends at HireEZ! I use this AI sourcing tool ALL THE TIME. In fact, I don’t go to a new hiring manager meeting without labor market insights. I encourage my sourcers to use the AI sourcing function. It’s been an absolute game changer for me over the last 10 years or so I’ve used it. There are other similar tools out there so this isn’t necessarily a plug for one particular system, but I do love it and encourage you to check them out!

Like any form of automation, the tools are only as good as the recruiter using them. We can screw up badly if we have the wrong inputs. It’s a fact. THAT is how you get mismatched outreach, or delivery driver roles texted to you at 6 am. Someone used their “automation” badly.

Very, very badly.

As always, holding the end users (in this case, recruiters) accountable is a GOOD thing – automation is only as positive or negative as the person wielding it. Keep that in mind and ASK the recruiters representing the companies you want to work for.

Remember what happens when you ASSUME. Get the facts straight from the source instead.


  1. Kristin Miller

    I feel a new merch mascot coming on …. A character named Otto Mation

    • Amy Miller

      Bwahahaha Sherman needs a new friend!!